Born: September 28, 1912
Participated in the Quit India Movement. Suffered imprisonment. Has been a social- change worker on Gandhian lines. Co-founder of Atheist Centre (1940). Has been in the forefront for the eradication of untouchability and the caste system. Guided the Atheist Centre for a broad spectrum of activities through its three major organisations – Vasvaya Mahila Mandal, Arthik Samata Mandal and Samskar – for comprehensive rural development in more than three hundred villages in various districts of Andhra Pradesh.
Championed the cause of Devadasis in 1930s. Advocated the registration of marriages under the Marriage Act which emphasises the equality of the spouses.
Led many a Satyagrah in post independent India championing the cause of the poor and downtrodden.
The Atheist Centre has also established family courts, set up a social guidance centre to provide help to women, to train women in Panchayati Raj and empowering them has also been undertaken.
Established, in 1985, Gora Abhay Nivas, a short stay home for women.
Received the Challagalla Award and Malladi Subbamma Award for outstanding social work. It is a tribute to her work that the Atheist Centre was chosen by the International Humanist and Ethical Union for International Humanist Award in 1986 presented in Oslo, Norway.
Atheist Centre,
Benz Circle,
Andra Pradesh – 520 010
Tel: 0866 - 2472330
Fax: 0866 - 2484850 / 0866 - 2473433