This Award was instituted in 1978; and comprises of a Citation, a Trophy and a Cash Prize of Rs. 20 Lakh is given annually and exclusively to an individual for outstanding contribution in the field of application of science and technology following Gandhian principles for rural and tribal development, particularly for the weaker sections of the society.
For the purpose of this Award, the activities may cover any or more of the following:
- Agriculture: Improvement in land use, reclamation of waste land and schemes of land shaping, multiple and new cropping patterns, improvement in techniques of cultivation, seeds, sustainable and resilient agriculture, agricultural tools and marketing facilities and methods, post-harvest technology, agro-based industries and related activities
- Animal Husbandry: Livestock innovation, dairy business, improved fodder supply; development of new fodder varieties, poultry, aqua culture etc
- Rural, Tribal, Village and Cottage Industries: Rural/tribal engineering and grassroots empowerment.
- Rural Education and Propagation of Gandhian Values: Bridging the urban-rural gap in access to quality education - including through application of information & computer technology, digital systems, literacy campaigns leading to improving attendance and reducing dropout rate etc. and inculcation of eternal Gandhian values
- Healthcare: Supply of safe drinking water, initiation and improvement in sanitary facilities, development of affordable, high quality and community based healthcare system, outreach programmes through knowledge dissemination and technical expertise etc.
- Afforestation: Develop and introduce measures to bring an ecological balance and create a better environment
- Water: Micro irrigation, water management including storage and conservation coupled with equitable distribution systems, restoration and maintenance of water supply systems etc.
- Energy: Development of practical and alternative application of renewable sources like solar, wind and water power, bioenergy/gobar gas, introduction and improvisation of smokeless chulhas etc.
- Rural Housing: Designing, constructing and fabricating low cost and affordable houses in rural/tribal areas with emphasis on use of locally available material and training local human resource
- Infrastructure: Improvement in village roads, transport and communication systems
- Research: In any or many other fields related to the above noted activities
The application of science and technology may embody the use of alternative local resources, materials and human skills, advocacy and policy matters and it should be within the means of the local population. (The list given above is only illustrative and not exhaustive. Areas of current national importance and priorities and also those activities which result in greater employment and income generation in rural areas, may be given preference in selection.)
Rules for submission of Nomination
- This Award is ONLY for an individual.
- Nomination/s can be recommended by individual/s and/or institution/s. Institutions such as Universities, Research Organisations, Social Welfare Institutions, Khadi and Village Industries, Chambers of Commerce, Central & State Government Departments, Rural and Urban Local Bodies, Corporates, International Institutions and any such representative bodies are not considered for the awards, but it can send nominations of individuals.
- Self-nomination is not recommended.
- Nomination of the deceased will not be considered.
- Submit factual information on the basis of the stated criteria.
- Nomination/s of family member/s whose one member has already received Jamnalal Bajaj Award will not be considered.
- Nomination of any individual, who has been a recipient of any of the Jamnalal Bajaj Awards in the past, will not be considered.
- The Foundation may defer or withhold conferring the Award in any year, if in the opinion of the Council of Advisors of the Foundation, no nominee/s is/are found suitable for receiving the Award.
- The Foundation reserves the right to cancel or postpone the Awards enforcing the force majeure in the occurrence of any natural or manmade events and/or due to unforeseen conditions that are beyond the control of the Foundation.
Criteria For Evaluation
In assessing the merits of the individuals for this Award, the overall impact and the spread effect of their work on Gandhian lines and the specific benefits accruing therefrom to the people, will be taken into account. In particular, the following will be considered:
- Whether the work is initiated singly by the nominee or by a group of people?
- How the work done has helped the weaker sections of society including landless and migrant communities and labours, slum dwellers, Dalit and tribal communities, etc.?
- Application of science and technology for the benefit of the community, in a manner that bridges disparity
- Increase in productivity of the people without displacing labour
- Has the work led to: - employment generation across the community - equitable distribution and social equality - motivating people towards self-help and self-reliance - skill development through training provided - removal of drudgery and improvement in the living standards of the people
- Participation level of NGOs/Government/Social Welfare Organizations etc.
- Is the level of people's/community participation increased because of the work ?
- Mode of raising fund/s in case of deficit faced year after year
- Scope of long term sustainability and replication of the work
- Does the work foster the spirit of the workforce/team ?
- Has the second line of leadership been established ?
- What is the vision and possibility of the work being continued in future ?
Funding Verification process
If one of the sources of income is foreign funding, the Foundation will be carrying out Government verification process (with the concerned Central/State department)